Editorial: Stricter policy needed for drug-users

By James Walls
Copy Editor

pea cup and pillsCrowder College states in its Student Handbook that possessing illegal drugs on campus is prohibited and will result in judicial actions by the college. However, if this is true, then why do so many students that are suspected of being under the influence of drugs go without any form of punishment? Should a stricter policy be enforced to deal with drug-users on campus?

According to Campus Security, they have often suspected students of being under the influence, but have been unable to enforce drug-tests or other actions due to certain restrictions with Student Affairs. While random drug-testing is against campus policy, shouldn’t actions be taken against those suspected of drug use nonetheless?

According to Tiffany Slinkard, Vice President of Student Affairs, the policy is effective.

“If someone is caught using drugs or alcohol…we will call the authorities. If they appear to be under the influence, if they are acting erratic, we have policies for behavior,” Slinkard said, relating the method behind the drug policy. “So either way, they are violating the policy because they’re caught red handed using alcohol or drugs, or their behavior would warrant us talking to them about their behavior.”

While this seems like it should be an effective method, it has somehow proven less so. In 2011, there was only one account of illegal drug use on campus, a number that is perhaps accurate, but likely not. After all, a person just has to be attentive during the day to see signs of drug use, whether the users are openly blatant about it or not.

In all due honesty, college is a stepping stone towards the real world, a place where drug tests are abundant and those who fail them suffer the consequences. If Crowder acted upon its statement in the Handbook, than maybe students would be more prepared for the real world and all that it encompasses.

Illegal drugs have no place in the workforce or on a public campus. According to www.webmd.com, marijuana, one of the more commonly used illegal drugs, can cause users to have a distorted sense of time as well as causing short-term memory loss. Therefore, those using this drug could easily wind up being late and/or skipping class, as well as forgetting lessons that they should be learning.

So if this is the case, than why is it so important to keep them enrolled? Shouldn’t their actions have any consequences, other than failing grades and a lot of wasted time?

All in all, whether or not Crowder needs a stricter drug-policy, or just the courage to enforce their current one, remains unknown. Either way, with so many students showing signs of being under the influence of illegal drugs, something needs to be done. For in the end, if a student can’t take their own education seriously, than why should the college take their education seriously?