Zoromski brings history to life

Kaylee Starks photoWhy did you choose history as your profession?

I was always interested in history growing up. Between grandfathers and family, it was always just something discussed. But, as far as profession, I was an undeclared major sophomore at Iowa State University when September 11 happened. With a liver condition, I wouldn’t be able to join the military and fight, but I wanted to get the civic education to do something good for my country. I went into secondary education, and for eight years I was a history instructor in Carthage, and that’s where I started to work as an adjunct here and then came to work full-time two years ago.

If you could be anyone famous, who would you be and why?

If I had to be somebody famous, I would have really liked to have worked in the White House when Ronald Reagan was president. So, I guess if it could be a creative spin, maybe an advisor or speech writer or something like that.

What was the best prank someone pulled on you?

I remember, when I was in high school, my brother had thought I took one of his hats so when I went to work, he decided to take every single thing out of my room down to the light switch cover. I came home and it looked like the room was robbed and he jumped down and said, “That’ll teach you for stealing my hat!” I said, “I don’t have that! Mom borrowed that for hat day!” He had to put everything back. But, to get him back later, I took the pins out of the door when he was home late for curfew so when he opened the door, it fell right over. It was funny.

What is your favorite type of music and why?

On Pandora, I have an Aerosmith channel. I like classic rock. I think it’s because my dad listened to it when I was growing up. Right now we listen to a lot of Disney music with a three year old in the house. I’m not saying it’s my favorite but I know more of those songs word for word than anything else. I mean, I can ‘Let It Go’ like anybody can.

If you could keep five possessions, what would you keep?

The flag from my wife’s father’s casket. He was a soldier in Vietnam. Her great-grandfather’s dog tags. I would try to save our marriage certificate. Here, I have my dad’s chess set my dad hand-made out of walnut and oak. The walnut is from a tree that my great-grandfather planted in Michigan and cut down shortly before he died. So that has a lot of sentimental value to me. I don’t, however, have any prized possessions collectible wise.

Why would you consider Crowder a great place to work?

Crowder is hands down one of the friendliest environments to work in and I worked in a terrific school district, Carthage, and I had no reason to leave. It was just a new opportunity in my personal journey. Everybody is here genuinely friendly. When they say “Crowder family”, they actually mean it. It is not just some slogan they created to make them feel good about themselves. I have never had an experience here where somebody wasn’t wanting to do the best they could.

What are you most afraid of and why?

Being able to not protect my wife and daughter should something happen. I realize a lot of that is out of my control, it’s just the instinct as a husband and father knowing I have the ability to protect them, and I can but couldn’t.

If you could go back in time to witness any event in the past, what would it be?

Biblically, the Resurrection of Jesus Christ would probably be number one. As a history buff, seeing Joshua Chamberlin at Little Rock Top on the second day of Gettysburg would be historically one of the ones I would want to do.

How would your friends and family describe you?

I would hope they would describe me as honest, that I do my best to help people, history buff, a family man, that I talk a lot, value-filled life, good husband and father, sissy as my brother would call me, good grandson who calls once a week, and always positive.

If you could be a superhero, what would your powers be?

My favorite superhero is Captain America. Part of it for the patriotism and leadership. I think I would like the ability to multi-task better. I would also like the power to know what people are thinking. I think that would make me a more effective teacher and instructor.